March 16

Favicon Maker | How to Make a Favicon Then Upload


Favicon Maker: You don’t need any serious technical skills to learn how to make a favicon.  In the Favicon Tutorial Video #1, I showed you how easy it is to make a favicon.  You can make a favicon, literally from any picture or image.  You don’t need any fancy favicon maker.  You just need to resize, then make sure to rename it.

In the first video, I showed you how to accomplish putting that favicon on your website by using a plugin.  Some themes have a place in the theme options to simply enter the url of the image after you’ve uploaded the correct size image to your media library.

In this video, I’ll show you how to manually upload your favicon to your website using an FTP client.  It’s really easy and is the preferred way.  Using multiple plugins will eventually bite you in the *^&%*, if you know what I mean.   😆Favicon Maker

That’s because…many times, plugins will conflict with each other and if the creator of the plugin,  doesn’t keep the plugin updated, then as WordPress updates, the plugin may become unstable.  This will generally cause problems for your website.  So, as a general rule…“Less is MORE”  The fewer plugins you have for your website…the better.

No Need for a Fancy Favicon Maker

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After watching that step by step video, I’m sure you will not have any problem making a favicon and uploading it with an FTP client.  You can download Filezilla by going to the Download FileZilla link.

You can go back to  the Favicon Tutorial Video #1 and watch it if you need to review how to make a favicon.  You really don’t need some fancy Favicon Maker, but I’m sure, if you look just a little bit, you’ll find someone trying to charge you for this easy to learn skill.  😳

Make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think about this video and what other video tutorials I can create for you. 

By the way…do me a favor and help out your family and friends by clicking on the Facebook icon or one of the social sharing icons and share this great video with your friends.




Favicon Maker

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